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The Gospel Always w/ Wendy Speake

This week, Greg hosts co-author and minister of women, Wendy Speake. Listen in as Wendy shares how her early career as a Hollywood actress and exploring her God-given gifts revealed what she should be sharing and teaching to women entering or journeying through parenthood and family life. She is a champion of encouraging women and families to seek the word of God to work through the triggers that come with parenting and finding the biblical response to deal with anger.

Books and more about Wendy Speake:

Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses https://amzn.to/3qTRQua

Triggers Study Guide https://amzn.to/37Ken5m

https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentleparentingwithamberandwendy/Gentle Parenting with Amber and Wendy – Facebook

https://www.instagram.com/lifecreative/ – @lifecreative – Faith-based community of creative moms, fitting our passions into the practical places of family. Buy the book, Life Creative!

https://www.wendyspeake.com/booksThe 40-Day Social Media Fast, The 40-Day Sugar Fast, Triggers, Triggers Study Guide, Parenting Scripts, Life Creative

Wendy is also the host of the annual 40 Day Sugar Fast, find out more at 40daysugarfast.com


