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Discover Your Family Identity Lead with clarity. Live with purpose.

The Family ID Assessment is the first step to discover family identity, define values, and move forward with shared vision.

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16 Family Types & The Core Four

The Family ID assessment is built on the four principles of identity, direction, purpose, and application. Using these four core principles, we are able to develop 16 unique family types that can help families discover their family identity.

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Identity refers to the unique qualities, attributes, and characteristics that make us who we are including our personality, talents, skills, and values.


Purpose is the meaningful mission that connects the different aspects of life, bringing clarity, significance, and passion to who we are and how we live


Direction is the vision for your life, and Family Direction is the vision for your family.


Application is the action taken to move closer to the Identity, Purpose, and Direction in life.


What families are saying

Carter Family

driven Family

After doing the Family ID Assessment, I had an eye-opening chat with my sister. It's amazing how different our views on our family are. We realized many of us are just getting by, dealing with daily life. This assessment has started more meaningful conversations and is helping us understand each other better. We're not just surviving now; we're learning to really connect as a family. It's been a great step towards becoming closer and more supportive of each other.

Armstead Family

harmonious Family

A harmonious family, to us, means embracing respect, understanding, and support. We value open communication and the richness of our individual differences. This approach has nurtured a deep sense of empathy and connection among us, helping us to stand together through all times, good and bad. It's not just about agreeing with each other, but about growing stronger together with love and mutual respect at our core.

Larson Family

impactful Family

We're really grateful for this free resource. It opened our eyes to how unique our family is and pointed out some dynamics we could work on. It's been a helpful guide in understanding ourselves better and improving the way we interact with each other. This experience has been invaluable in strengthening our family relationships and fostering a more unified home environment.

Johnson Family

visionary Family

This assessment marked the beginning of a new journey for us. We had always found it challenging to understand our family as a cohesive unit. Through this process, we've started to unravel who we are as a family and where we should be heading. It's been enlightening to discover our collective identity and set a direction for our future together. It's a path of growth, understanding, and unity that we're now excitedly walking on.

Family on Purpose Podcast

Real conversations to help your family live with greater intentionality.

Family on Purpose Podcast

Hosted by Derek and Gina England through Family ID, this podcast offers insight, encouragement, and real-life stories to help your family walk in purpose as you discover family identity together.


Let’s take a deeper dive...

Take a look at some of our other resources to help you and your family find their unique Identity.

Grow as a family with our practical resources and tools

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Take the Family ID Online Masterclass

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Read our most recent Blog Articles

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Experience a Workshop Event

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